
AI Conference 2022 – Responsible AI

  • 09.05.2022

  • 10u00

  • Microsoft Belgium

We warmly welcome you to the first AI Conference! This event is a collaboration between our competence center Arinti & Microsoft.

Artificial Intelligence is not just a hype anymore, 80% of enterprises are already using some form of AI in production. What about you? But what if you are working on AI projects that actually makes use of data linked to people.

Are you sure that your project is fair, transparent, explainable and human-centered?

Come join us on this half a day conference and get inspired by different AI projects and learn how your organization can practice Responsible AI

We will help you understand what the Microsoft AI stack can do for your organization. With sessions by Microsoft & Arinti, we will inspire you on what is possible and what has been done at other organizations locally & abroad.

Looking forward to see you then!

Don’t hesitate to register now

  • When: 9th of May 2022
  • Timing: 09:55 – 13:55
  • Location: Microsoft Belgium, Brussels National Airport – Passport Building

Meet the experts


At Arinti, we’re a dedicated and cross-functional team of AI enthusiasts. We empower organizations in various sectors and industries, and help them into a brighter future. We are a trusted Microsoft Gold Partner and a proud member of the global AI Inner Circle Partner Program. As part of the Cronos Family, we also work in close collaboration with Cronos Public Services. In operating under the existing framework agreements, we can already save precious time for your organization.

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